Reports Matrix

Passed 157
test_01_numcomputes_greater_than_zero Passed ok
test_02_koomie_cf_available Passed ok
test_03_nonzero_results_from_uptime Passed ok
test_04_correct_number_of_hosts_booted Passed ok
test_05_verify_boot_times_are_reasonable Passed ok
test_01_verify_hostname_matches_expectation Passed ok
test_02_base_os_check Passed ok
[clush] check for OS-provided RPM Passed ok
[clush] clush -Sng compute Passed ok
[conman] check for RPM Passed ok
[conman] query conmand conman Passed ok
[genders] check for RPM Passed ok
[genders] check node attributes Passed ok
[nhc] check for RPM Passed ok
[nhc] generate config file Passed ok
[nhc] service failure detection and restart Passed ok
[slurm] check for jobcomp_elasticsearch plugin Passed ok
[slurm] check for job_submit_lua plugin Passed ok
[slurm] check for --x11 option Passed ok
[slurm] check for sview rpm availability Passed ok
[spack] check for RPM Passed ok
[spack] add compiler Passed ok
[spack] test build Passed ok
[spack] test module refresh Passed ok
[BOS] OS distribution matches (local) Passed ok
Passed ok
[BOS] consistent kernel (2 active computes) Passed ok
[BOS] increased locked memory limits Passed ok
[BOS] syslog forwarding Passed ok
[Compilers] debugger man page (gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] debugger availability (gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] C compiler man/help page (gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] C++ compiler man/help page (gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] Fortran compiler man/help page (gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] C binary runs under resource manager (slurm/gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] C++ binary runs under resource manager (slurm/gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] Fortran binary runs under resource manager (slurm/gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] C openmp binary runs under resource manager (slurm/gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] C++ openmp binary runs under resource manager (slurm/gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] Fortran openmp binary runs under resource manager (slurm/gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] compiler module loaded (gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] compiler module version available (gnu12) Passed ok
[Compilers] C, C++, and Fortran versions match module (gnu12) Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoconf-ohpc provided autoconf executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoconf-ohpc provided autoheader executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoconf-ohpc provided autom4te executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoconf-ohpc provided autoreconf executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoconf-ohpc provided autoscan executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoconf-ohpc provided autoupdate executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoconf-ohpc provided ifnames executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] automake: verify automake-ohpc provided aclocal executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] automake: verify autoconf-ohpc provided automake executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] libtool: verify libtool-ohpc provided libtool executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] libtool: verify libtool-ohpc provided libtoolize executable Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoconf executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoheader executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autom4te executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoreconf executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoscan executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify autoupdate executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] autoconf: verify ifnames executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] automake: verify aclocal executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] automake: verify automake executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] libtool: verify libtool executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] libtool: verify libtoolize executable is version Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] running autoreconf Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] run generated configure Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] run make on generated Makefile Passed ok
[/dev-tools/autotools] run compiled binary Passed ok
[/dev-tools/cmake] running cmake --system-information Passed ok
[/dev-tools/cmake] run cmake Passed ok
[/dev-tools/cmake] run make on generated Makefile Passed ok
[/dev-tools/cmake] run compiled binary Passed ok
[dev-tools/hwloc] lstopo runs under resource manager (slurm/gnu12) Passed ok
[dev-tools/hwloc] hwloc_hello runs under resource manager (slurm/gnu12) Passed ok
[HWLOC] Verify HWLOC module is loaded and matches rpm version (gnu12/) Passed ok
[HWLOC] Verify module HWLOC_DIR is defined and exists (gnu12/) Passed ok
[HWLOC] Verify module HWLOC_LIB is defined and exists (gnu12/) Passed ok
[HWLOC] Verify dynamic library available in HWLOC_LIB (gnu12/) Passed ok
[HWLOC] Verify static library is not present in HWLOC_LIB (gnu12/) Passed ok
[HWLOC] Verify module HWLOC_INC is defined and exists (gnu12/) Passed ok
[HWLOC] Verify header file is present in HWLOC_INC (gnu12/) Passed ok
[Valgrind] Callgrind execution under resource manager (slurm/gnu12) Passed ok
[Valgrind] Memcheck execution under resource manager (slurm/gnu12) Passed ok
[Valgrind] Verify valgrind module is loaded and matches rpm version (gnu12) Passed ok
[Valgrind] Verify module VALGRIND_DIR is defined and exists (gnu12) Passed ok
[Valgrind] Verify availability of valgrind binary (gnu12) Passed ok
[Valgrind] Verify availability of man page (gnu12) Passed ok
[Valgrind] Verify module VALGRIND_INC is defined and exists (gnu12) Passed ok
[Valgrind] Verify header file is present in VALGRIND_INC (gnu12) Passed ok
[Valgrind] Callgrind compile/test (gnu12) Passed ok
[Valgrind] Memcheck compile/test (gnu12) Passed ok
[modules] module purge Passed ok
[modules] module list Passed ok
[modules] module help Passed ok
[modules] module load/unload Passed ok
[modules] module whatis Passed ok
[modules] module swap Passed ok
[modules] path updated Passed ok
[modules] module depends-on Passed ok
[modules] env variable passes through () Passed ok
[modules] loaded module passes through () Passed ok
[modules] module commands available in RMS job () Passed ok
[modules] module load propagates thru RMS () Passed ok
[MPI] build/execute C binary (gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] build/execute C++ binary (gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] build/execute F90 binary (gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] mpicc man page availible (gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] C binary runs on two nodes under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] C++ binary runs on two nodes under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] F90 binary runs on two nodes under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] C binary runs on single node under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] C++ binary runs on single node under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] F90 binary runs on single node under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] MPI module loaded (gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] MPI module version available (gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] mpicc, mpicxx, and mpif90 versions match module (gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[MPI] build/execute C binary (gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] build/execute C++ binary (gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] build/execute F90 binary (gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] mpicc man page availible (gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] C binary runs on two nodes under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] C++ binary runs on two nodes under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] F90 binary runs on two nodes under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] C binary runs on single node under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] C++ binary runs on single node under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] F90 binary runs on single node under resource manager (slurm/gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] MPI module loaded (gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] MPI module version available (gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[MPI] mpicc, mpicxx, and mpif90 versions match module (gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[ConMan] Verify conman binary available Passed ok
[ConMan] Verify rpm version matches binary Passed ok
[ConMan] Verify man page availability Passed ok
[warewulf-ipmi] ipmitool lanplus protocol Passed ok
[RMS/harness] Verify zero exit code from MPI job runs OK (slurm/gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
[RMS/harness] Verify non-zero exit code from MPI job detected as failure (slurm/gnu12/mpich) Passed ok
Passed ok
[RMS/harness] Verify zero exit code from MPI job runs OK (slurm/gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[RMS/harness] Verify non-zero exit code from MPI job detected as failure (slurm/gnu12/openmpi4) Passed ok
[memlock] check increased soft limit Passed ok
[memlock] check increased hard limit Passed ok
[pdsh] check for RPM Passed ok
[pdsh] run a shell command on c[1-4] Passed ok
[pdsh] check for pdsh-mod-slurm RPM Passed ok
[pdsh] run a shell command on -P normal Passed ok
[openmpi] check for no output to stderr with ompi_info Passed ok
[magpie] check for RPM Passed ok
[magpie] Verify MAGPIE module is loaded and matches rpm version Passed ok
[magpie] Verify module MAGPIE_DIR is defined and exists Passed ok
[munge] check for OS provdied RPM Passed ok
[munge] Generate a credential Passed ok
[munge] Decode credential locally Passed ok
[munge] Run benchmark Passed ok
Passed ok
[slurm] Verify SLURM RPM version matches sinfo binary Passed ok
Passed ok